The German short “O” is similar to the English short “O” sound. It can be heard in words like cost, boss, and odd. The long “O” sound is exactly like in English, but when we say “O” in English, we generally close our mouths a bit to make it sound like it is followed by a “W” or a “Y”, but in German the mouth stays in the same position from the beginning to the end of the letter.
Short “O” Examples
Preceding Multiple Consonants:
die Post [pɔst] - mail
die Wolle [ˈvɔlə] - wool
der Gott [ɡɔt] - God
Long “O” Examples
Preceding a Single Consonant:
die Oper [ˈoːpɐ] - opera
die Rose [ˈʀoːzə] - rose
rot [ʀoːt] - red
Double O:
das Boot [boːt] - boat
der Zoo [ʦoː] - zoo
Preceding the Letter “H”:
das Stroh [ʃtʀoː] - straw
froh [fʀoː] - happy
die Sohle [ˈzoːlə] - sole